Learn Spanish today
Did you know that there are more native speakers of Spanish than English in the world?
The Spanish language is a Romance language that originates from Latin, and as such, it is related to French, Italian, Portuguese and Romanian, among others. Speaking one of these languages makes it a lot easier to learn another one from the same family.
Spanish is also the native tongue of many renowned artists and writers such as Miguel de Cervantes, Mario Benedetti, Frida Kahlo, Gabriel García Márquez, Diego Velázquez, Eduardo Galeano, Vicente Huidobro and many more.
By learning Spanish, you will have a better understanding not only of the language they created in, but also of the cultural and historical concepts that shaped their work. |
#2Spanish has the most native speakers in the world after Mandarin Chinese
460kPeople speak Spanish globally as their native language
22Countries use Spanish as
their official language |
You probably already speak some Spanish!There are a lot of words in English that have a Spanish or Latin American origin – we have listed some of them for you.
In our classes, you will be able to explore the origins of these and other words and gain a better understanding of how languages and cultures impact each other when in contact. |
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to inquire about our courses or to sign up for a class. |
Language for Life Academy
Learning Spanish Abroad SL Seville, Spain Copyright © 2024 |